Find God, See God, Feel God, Hear God, Know God, Experience God in all these ways.
“Why,” asked my girl friend, “would someone want to find God?”
“ Why would someone want to see God, feel God, hear God, know God, experience God”?
What changes happen?”
I had spent my entire life, traveling the world experiencing and studying most every religion and living in ashrams, leading Shamanic groups, Sufi dancing,you name it, looking to find God, for 45 years. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
To find God meant I found myself feeling unconditionally loved by God, by any, and all names. This was a peak experience that continues daily.
To find God meant that I found how important my life is and how I had spiritually aspired in ways I did not give myself credit. Immediately, I felt like I really belonged in this world as an important contributor. When I felt this, my ability to contribute spiraled 500% more with enthusiasm to serve others and God even more.
To find God meant I could feel God loves me, I could sense God’s love streaming through myself, I could hear God, see God, know God, experience God tangibly and this allowed me to trust God.
To find God and trust God meant that I felt so unconditionally loved that I could go beyond my fear and follow God’s guidance.
To find God, meant that I was able to know and take action living my mission and purpose beyond what I had ever been able to do before. I was able to serve more people better than ever before and so I felt more fulfilled with myself and my potential.
To find God and follow God was my definition of success.
To find God I found optimal health spiritually always feeling unconditionally loved regardless of external circumstances.
To find God, I found optimal health emotionally, I was able to unconditionally love all existence just because it was God, regardless of the external circumstances, the behavior may not have been acceptable, but the being was of God.